Monday, February 23, 2009

Another late call...

I waited till 7 am to get the kids up this morning. I got them fed and dressed and drove them to school. I thought to myself ahhh silence at last. Wrong thought because the phone rang 8:22 am and the caller ID said the schools name. Crap! They wanted to know if I could come in this morning... yes I will be there as soon as I can is what come out of my mouth. So I jumped in the shower and got ready. Can you believe I was signing my form at 8:55 am!? I am good like that lol. Which is why I get the late calls. ;)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

So glad it's the weekend.

Thursday started off bad. Around 2 am my baby girl woke me saying she didn't feel very good. Minutes later we were in the bathroom and she was throwing up. After I got everything cleaned up I got her a place on the floor fixed and the trash can beside her. I decided to do a suppository because she has a habit of going down fast when she gets a bug. She didn't throw up anymore and went back to sleep around 3 am.

At 4:58 am the phone rings!!! Not good for the phone to ring at that hour. I looked at the caller ID and see it's my stepdad. I answer and he tells me he feels bad. Then he says I don't think I am going to make it. WHAT?! I asked what he meant by that and he says he thinks he's dying!! I asked him where he was and he told me he was crossing the county line... ok that's like 2 mins from my house... come here. I jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes, call my in laws, and start brushing my teeth. The phone rings again and he says "I've crashed"!!! Ok I am on my way. I jumped in my van and start down the highway. I find a car on the side of the road and pull over. A man is down in the ditch with him and they are standing outside of the truck. I got out and ran to see what happened. The man hadn't seen what happened just seen the tail lights from the highway and stopped to see if the person was OK. He had already called 911 by the time I got there. The man helped me get him to my van and we looked up to another car stopping... a nurse! Thank you Lord for both the man and the nurse. The nurse come to my van to see how she could help. Turns out he had a very bad reaction to something and by this point his throat was swelling up and I believe he was going into shock. The nurse told me she had some benadryl so I ran to her car and grabbed it and she give him some. During all of this I had finally gotten ahold of my mom and we were waiting for her so we could get him to the ER. She pulled up within a few mins of me calling and we left for the ER. They run some tests and couldn't figure out what did it but they said it was most diffidently a reaction. So after watching him and running meds they left him go him a few hours later. The real kicker is Wed. around 6 pm he and I talked and he told me he had gotten in something and he was breaking out in hives and itching like crazy. I told him to go get some benadryl and he told me he would. Well the 2 places he went didn't have any so he just went back to the lake to finish his night of running yo yo's. I didn't know he hadn't gotten the benadryl till after the nurse stopped!!!!

After all of that I had to get to Little Rock for my doctor appointment at the Headache Clinic. I couldn't believe my blood pressure wasn't high but it was normal. It was a fasting appointment so they could redue my blood work. Back in August my cholesterol was high so she wanted to see if it was still high. Plus my Vitamin D was super low the last two times.

My mil had gotten the boy off to school for me and my fil kept the girl. Once my mom and stepdad were released they stopped and picked up baby girl. Now that things were getting back to normal (whatever that is) I decided to go ahead and do the birthday shopping I had planned to do while in Little Rock. I got her some really cute clothes, a few toys and a game for the Wii. Mostly from my mom, stepdad and the in laws. I finally headed home and my mom and stepdad brought the kids home... they had picked up the boy from school. When they walked in the door and I looked at baby girl I knew she didn't feel good. I check her temp and it was 103, so I got Motrin in her fast and set her up on the couch. Her temp was 103 again this morning but since that she hasn't had any. So even though we have a bug running it's course I am thankful it's the weekend and I pray I never have to live this past Thursday ever again!

A few more details... for my new readers (if I have any) my stepdad is more of a dad to me than my "real" dad has ever tried to be but for my readers from my old blog I say stepdad because I have posted things about the "real" dad that I wouldn't want people to confuse my stepdad with. Anyway my stepdad is OK. He blacked out after calling me and crossed the highway and hit a HUGE Pine tree head on. He came to and called me back. His truck was totaled but it's just a truck. The only thing that matters is he was OK. I bought him a huge bottle of benadryl and I told him to please have some with him at all times from now on just in case.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Husband Tag

1. Where did you meet? In High School

2. How long did you date before you got married? 9 months 24 days

3. How long have you been married? Will be 15 years in Nov.

4. What does he do that surprises you? nothing comes to mind

5. What is your favorite feature of his? eyes

6. What is your favorite quality of his? sense of humor!

7. Does he have a nickname for you? Honey

8. What is his favorite color? red

9. What is his favorite food? steak

10. What is his favorite sport? whatever the kids are playing

11. When and where was your first kiss? Feb. 1 1994... in my car when I dropped him off after our first date... hey it was on the cheek.

12. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? When we sit and watch movies together at home.

13. Do you have any children? Yes, one boy and one girl!

14. Does he have a hidden talent? no

15. How old is he? 33

16. Who said I love you first? I did!

17. What’s his favorite type of music? He really likes a mix of everything.

18. What do you admire most about him? His love for his family.

19. Do you think he will read this? no


1. He’s sitting in front of the TV: What is on the screen? John Wayne, Clint Eastwood or James Bond

2. You’re out to eat. What kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Ranch

3. What is one food he doesn’t like? sushi

4. You go out to the bar. What does he order? beer

5. Where did he go to high school? Pine Bluff High School

6. What size shoe does he wear? 10 1/2

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? fishing/hunting gear

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? cheeseburger

9. What would the Husband eat every day if he could? steak

10. What is his favorite cereal? doesn't eat cereal

11. What would he never wear? Pink.

12. What is his favorite sports team? the kids :)

13. Who is his best friend? Mark and John

14. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do? Nag him about money

15. How many states has he lived in? three

16. What is his heritage? American

17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind is it? I would have his mom make him her caret cake

18. Did he play sports in high school? nope

19. What could he spend hours doing? fishing and or hunting

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Late call...

7 am is when the phone rang this morning asking if I could work today. Of course I jumped up and turned on the shower. After I got out I ran and woke up the boy and got him in the shower. Went back to start my makeup when I hear the shower in my bathroom running?! Hubby thought it would be a great time for him to get his shower also. You know since he wasn't really doing anything today... angry is what I became. The girl uses our bathroom first thing because her brothers in theirs. Nope not this morning cause daddy's in there being thoughtful and all. I got their pancakes ready and went to finish getting myself together in the steamy bathroom!! Fun time putting on makeup in a steamy hot bathroom! NOT!! Needless to say we were almost late this morning cause the hubby's always thinking of others.

After school the girl was complaining her head hurt. We got home and it only got worse. She finally threw up and about 15 minutes later she felt great. Lovely, she's going to have migraines too. The boy had his first migraine in the 2nd grade also. Gotta love that DNA they share with me. I do thank God that medicine has come a long way so we don't have to suffer like my great grandmother did.

I have been ebaying some and then last night while Im'ing with a friend I came across Etsy!! I got the girl a dress and I can only hope it's as cute in person as it was on there. She wants a Jonas Brothers party so I ordered a guitar cake pan off ebay... I am doing one chocolate and another yellow/white. I am also getting ready to order the invites... they look like concert tickets! How cool is that!?!

One last thing, I never did tell about Brad Paisley. HE WAS AWESOME!!!!!!! I will see him again when he comes back!! I heard Keith Urban and maybe Sugarland where coming... yep I will be there too!! :D

Monday, February 16, 2009

Another Long weekend :)

Hi, it's been a while. I can't believe we are more than halfway through February already. Where has the month gone? It's getting to close to my baby's 8th birthday. Wow 8 years old!! That is so hard to believe! Also there's about 3 months left of the school year... which seems to have flown by too (most days anyway).

We had a nice long weekend and I am sad to see it end. I started a new workout program today. I am sick of looking at myself when I get dressed everyday. But I'm the only one that can do anything about it so I did. I am aiming for 3 days a week to begin... the gym is in town 20 mins from my house. Once the weather warms up my mil and I will start walking again the other days. I would like to lose about 15 pounds and tone up. Swimsuits will be out way to soon.

I am looking forward to the summer. Last summer was such a bummer. Now that I have my migraine's under control more than not I am excited about spending the summer with the kids at the pool everyday if they want. By 2010 I want to have enough money saved to take a trip back to Virginia Beach and show the kids where we lived, walk on the boardwalk with them and show them were the boy was born. It doesn't seem like that was 12 years ago that we moved back home to Arkansas to be close to the grands and great grands. Never a move I regret either. Not that it wasn't great living in Virginia, it was just to far away from the family... and much harder when you have the first grandchild on both sides. Anyway I have rambled enough for tonight.