7 am is when the phone rang this morning asking if I could work today. Of course I jumped up and turned on the shower. After I got out I ran and woke up the boy and got him in the shower. Went back to start my makeup when I hear the shower in my bathroom running?! Hubby thought it would be a great time for him to get his shower also. You know since he wasn't really doing anything today... angry is what I became. The girl uses our bathroom first thing because her brothers in theirs. Nope not this morning cause daddy's in there being thoughtful and all. I got their pancakes ready and went to finish getting myself together in the steamy bathroom!! Fun time putting on makeup in a steamy hot bathroom! NOT!! Needless to say we were almost late this morning cause the hubby's always thinking of others.
After school the girl was complaining her head hurt. We got home and it only got worse. She finally threw up and about 15 minutes later she felt great. Lovely, she's going to have migraines too. The boy had his first migraine in the 2nd grade also. Gotta love that DNA they share with me. I do thank God that medicine has come a long way so we don't have to suffer like my great grandmother did.
I have been ebaying some and then last night while Im'ing with a friend I came across Etsy!! I got the girl a dress and I can only hope it's as cute in person as it was on there. She wants a Jonas Brothers party so I ordered a guitar cake pan off ebay... I am doing one chocolate and another yellow/white. I am also getting ready to order the invites... they look like concert tickets! How cool is that!?!
One last thing, I never did tell about Brad Paisley. HE WAS AWESOME!!!!!!! I will see him again when he comes back!! I heard Keith Urban and maybe Sugarland where coming... yep I will be there too!! :D
{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/03/2025 }
1 day ago
1 comment:
I busted out laughing at the bathroom fiasco! Your birthday party plans sound awesome.
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