it's off to work I go. I have worked everyday this week and will finish the week off working too. They have me floating around the High School in the mornings while they are doing the 7th and 8th grade Benchmark tests. In the afternoons I have been a few different teachers who have had dr. appointments or gone home "sick" (sick of the Benchmark test). I am working Tuesday next week too.
A little funny... Monday morning I had the 8th graders out in the gym (they started Benchmark Tuesday) and the Principal comes in to talk to them. He finishes with his talk and I got up and walked over to him to ask him something. He looks at me and says "Oh Mrs. Brandy I thought you were one of them"! Come on I know I look young BUT really 8th grade?!
The puppies had their first "real" meal tonight. They of course ate like 3 little pigs.
Only 28 more days of school!!!!!!!!! Yes I am more than ready for SUMMER vacation. I am ready for the pool to open and us hang out there most days. I am ready to not have an alarm clock waking me up Monday through Friday. I am ready to hung out with my kids and have no worries of homework, tests and grades!
Also one month from tomorrow I am going to see Kenny Chesney, Miranda Lambert and Lady Antebellum with 2 of my bff's. This will be our first concert together and I am so looking forward to it. This will also be the 3rd time I have seen Kenny.
I need to run and catch the weather and get into the bed before 1 am like I did last night. Thanks to Jenny! :P
{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/03/2025 }
1 day ago
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